Who We Are

Teachers. Together we have over 20 years teaching experience. We have been using our vacation time to build small businesses and side-hustles. We specialize in work-from-anywhere income.

What We Want

One Million Dollars. Through careful investing and a little hustle, we believe this to be an achievable goal for just about anyone.

By the way, our goal is to have one million dollars in addition to our retirement plans or home equity. We plan to only use the investment income from this money for ourselves as supplemental income, meaning we don’t want to spend the principal balance. Instead we will give it to our daughter in the form of trust. The trust will give her enough extra money to pay for education or healthcare or rent, but not enough to get lazy. We don’t believe in lazy.

Why This Site

We’ve done a lot of side-hustle and small business research over the years, and finding honest and useful information has been hard. This site is our attempt to make it a little easier.

We have refined our search and our plan into a simple strategy that just about anyone can follow. We want to connect you with work from anywhere opportunities and we want to show you how to manage those businesses to turn part time work into full-time, multi-generational wealth.